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去内华达州最棒的体验一定是公路旅行了。沿着50 号公路(众所周知也是美国最孤独的公路)在令人生畏的山脊中穿行,停驻在沿途那些壮观的景点,其中就有大盆地国家公园 (Great Basin National Park)。也一定记得拜访一下历史上有名的矿城和丘吉尔堡 (Fort Churchill) 遗址。拉洪坦湖 (Lake Lahontan)、太浩湖、金字塔湖 (Pyramid Lake) 也有很多水上项目等着您去发现。在去拉斯维加斯的路上,试着向南转道 95 号公路,感受托诺帕 (Tonopah) 这个拥有全美最暗夜空的小城。如果您恰好喜欢抓拍,不妨停留在戈德菲尔德 (Goldfield) 的国际汽车森林 (International Car Forest),然后一路向着比蒂 (Beatty) 城外的流纹岩镇 (Rhyolite) 进发。假如您对外星生物感兴趣,还可以绕路到 375 号公路,去小外星人旅店 (Little A'Le'Inn) 体验一番,这里欢迎各种生物的到来。



古西部的热情好客精神是从埃尔科 (Elk) 盛行的。埃尔科不仅是美国牛仔诗集聚会 (National Cowboy Poetry Gathering) 的举办地,也是 J.M.Capriola Co.公司的所在地。该公司主要经营加西亚比特和马刺 (Garcia Bits and Spurs),还有一些其他古西部做工优良的产品。想要了解拓荒者的奋斗历程,不妨拜访一下加利福尼亚州足迹解说中心 (California Trail Interpretive Center)。参加一场免费的金矿旅行,或者驱车到拉莫伊尔峡谷 (Lamoille Canyon),在那里,您可以钓鱼、远足或者骑山地自行车。如果您够勇敢的话,可以到鲁比山 (Ruby Moutains) 试试直升机滑雪。想要体验古西部的狂野精神?一定要去弗吉尼亚市 (Virginia City),那里有康斯塔克矿脉,也是丹佛西部最大的矿山露营地之一。而今,沿着这条可靠的木板人行道游客们就能到这一宝藏地。



内华达州在美国以她的山脉众多而著称。在投身于灯红酒绿的拉斯维加斯之前,不如先来这里感受一下大自然的壮美。可以就近拜访一下红岩峡谷国家保护区 (Red Rock Canyon National Conservation),在那里远足、骑车或攀岩,之后再到拉斯维加斯来一场放松的水疗护理,一定会驱散一天的疲乏。这里有火焰谷州立公园 (Valley of Fire State Park) 形态各异的砂岩,也有博尔德市 (Boulder City) 的飞索,还有全年开放的高尔夫球场。科罗拉多河谷 (Colorado River Valley) 的拉芙林 (Laughlin) 小镇也有众多户外项目等您来体验。



在游览了全美最大的高山湖泊——太浩湖之后,一路向内华达山脉 (Sierra Nevada) 的边境城市卡森城进发。乡村爱好者与山地骑行爱好者可以尽情挑战这些从1850年代起便存在的水道小径。如果想要了解美洲原住民和他们的传统文化,参观附近的斯图尔特印第安学校 (Stewart Indian School) 一定是最好的选择了。下一站可以选择里诺,这个“世界上最大的小城市”,白天沿着特拉基河 (Truckee River) 漂流而下。去探索中城区的美食文化,下城区的精彩夜生活。步行参观拉斯维加斯大道 (The Strip),走进古老的赌场、大型酒店,四处看看耀眼的霓虹招牌和浪漫的水舞喷泉,沉醉其中,了解这座自由奔放的城市。


Starry skies over Great Basin National Park near Baker, Nevada

Nevada is home to two International Dark Sky Places that have been named among the best locales in the world to go stargazing: Great Basin National Park and Massacre Rim Wilderness Study Area.

Participants pose for a photo with a sculpture during Burning Man in Black Rock City, Nevada

Black Rock City, a community of participants attending the annual Burning Man festival, is one of the world's largest temporary cities.

Colorful displays at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas has been nicknamed "The Neon Capital of the World."


The famed Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada

The Las Vegas Strip

The city’s dazzling strip is known for many things, but an architecture or pop culture tour bring the glitzy strip’s iconic buildings into full relief. Learn about the design of famous resorts as well as the stories behind them on a guided bus or walking tour that fully explores the city’s architectural history. 


Aerial view of the Hoover Dam near Boulder City, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Hoover Dam

Built 80 years ago, this massive construction marvel situated in Black Canyon is the highest concrete dam in the Western Hemisphere. Cross it via the walking bridge or take one of two excellent tours to learn about how the dam came to be and see its many parts in action.


The beautifully barren landscape of U.S. Route 50 in Nevada
Travel Nevada

U.S. Route 50

Fuel up the car and take a jaunt down this highway dubbed the USA’s Loneliest Road, which runs coast-to-coast and passes through 11 states for a total of 5,100 kilometers. See mountains, deserts, forests and many more majestic landscapes as you navigate Nevada’s portion.

Lamoille Canyon stretches between the Ruby Mountains
Travel Nevada

Lamoille Canyon

Take the byway up the canyon for sweeping views of this remarkable landscape’s peaks and valleys, which includes staggering Ruby Dome (the highest of the peaks here). Hike, mountain bike, ski or simply picnic among wildflowers in this natural playground.


Hiking in Great Basin National Park near Baker, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Great Basin National Park

Many visitors to Great Basin National Park are as thrilled by the lack of crowds as they are by the majestic mountain terrain, cascading streams and pristine lakes. The park is home to a number of 3,000-year-old bristlecone pine trees, which are among the oldest living organisms on the planet. Also see Lehman Caves, which can only be viewed on a guided tour; Wheeler Peak, the site of Nevada’s only glacier; and Lexington Arch, a massive rock formation.


The crystal-clear waters of Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Lake Tahoe

Surrounded by the Sierra Nevada mountains, this alpine lake is the largest in North America and sets the stage for water recreation. Canoe, waterski or just jet across the deep blue expanse. Hike the Cascade Falls Trail or bike Flume Trail and spend all day exploring the wilderness around the lake.


Visiting Virginia City, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Virginia City

This historic Boomtown city sprung up after discovery of the Comstock Lode in the mid-19th century and became a bustling silver mining town. See it as it was today, visiting museums, saloons and a historic walking trail and by embarking on a mine tour.

Resting on a hike through Valley of Fire State Park near Overton, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Valley of Fire State Park

Nevada’s oldest state park is in the middle of the Mojave Desert and is known for its vivid red sandstone formations and sparse cactus-studded landscape. Hike to the White Domes, Arch Rock or to the Beehives, all excellent representations of this natural wonder.

Art installation near the Rhyolite Ghost Town in Beatty, Nevada
Travel Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Near Death Valley, this Gold Rush ghost town set in the Bullfrog Hills takes its name from a native rock. Picture this desolate community as it once was as you learn about its history (which includes being featured in several films) and tour the open air museum at its entrance.


The iconic rocky terrain of Cathedral Gorge State Park near Panaca, Nevada

Cathedral Gorge State Park

This series of spiky-looking ravines, grooves, caves and passageways can be explored through a variety of trails, from short to long, easy to challenging. Hike to Miller’s Point on the main trail for a sweeping view of the gorge as well as the vivid lands beyond.


